Saturday, October 30, 2010


Not real money, unfortunately, but a note pad made of over-sized $50 bills (that's how come I made the piccie so big). Or, at least, that's what I think/hope it is. Haven't taken the shrink-wrap off so don't know for sure.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


These are really cool. Or maybe they're only cool for old codgers like me who used to get them as kids (four for a penny, as I recall). They're actually called Flying Saucers and only available at the English shop in Santa Monica (along with Oxo, Marmite and Heinz Baked Beans). They're rice paper filled with sour sherbert type stuff. Tracy made a lemon face when she tried them in the shop, so they must be okay - although perhaps not up to your exacting standards.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


This is probably the last thing that'll come out of Tracy's unpacking (yes, miraculously it's almost done) and how cute is it?


The piggies are really detailed and the instructions on how to play are in French. Even the case to keep it in is cool.

All in all, a far superior post to the duck, wouldn't you say?


This is a bath thermometer that came free with a pack of batteries. There were other gift options - an extra battery or a Duracell shaped screwdriver - neither of which I thought would be of any interest to you. So, a rather silly duck shaped thermometer it is.

It's yellow buy the way. Not white. Just a crap photo.

FYI: your iPhone is probably in Israel at the mo.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


These looked good at the supermarket check-out so in the basket they went. Not terribly exciting, I'll admit, but I'm still looking out for stuff you might like. Even went to the dollars tore specially but couldn't find anything Lo-worthy.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I finally found some more letters - kinda cheated by going into Michael's -
but I was going there anyway - honest. So only A, O, S and E to go.

These are from Tracy's old office. A pretty cool die-cut thingy of a pig so's you can make piggie paper or confetti - depending on your predisposition (only one confetto shown in the picture).

Plus the neatest paper-clips I've ever see. And they rhyme with Lola - a double bonus.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Or do I mean, candy. Well, yeah... probably candy. Or maybe candy-corny. Happy Halloween, Princess. Here's the candy corn you requested.

On top of which, (or technically, below) I chanced upon a pack of weird Jelly Beans at the check-out while I was waiting to pay for the corn (the woman didn't know what I was talking about, incidentally - I had to explain - a Brit explaining candy corn to an American - blimey!).

Anyway, this pack has regular coloured Jelly Beans with weird flavours. Here's one or two examples - what looks like Liquorice is now Skunk Spray and Strawberry Jam is Centipede. YUM!

I'll leave you to discover the rest.

Monday, October 4, 2010


How much do I love? Enough to pick up an ice tray that makes heart-shaped ice cubes.

Added to that a "gourmet" lollipop (well, it's what it said in the shop) that's cotton candy flavored. Plus the turquoise colour goes rather well with the red, don't you think?